Digital art created by Herbert Victoria - use for prints, stickers, clothing, social media, etc.
Quantity: 50 downloads available
An illustration of an Instagram influencer I follow @lacandelaviva. I love her photos as they are very creative and colorful. This piece was from a picture in her profile. I liked the landscape and perspective on where and how her photo was taken. I sketched the photo with a color block abstract technique. I did a quick doodle first with base layer being black, and I filled the white space with the appropriate colors then made the black outlines invisible to achieve the effect.
Size: 10 in x 13 in 577 KB
File format: JPEG
La Candela Viva
After purchase, you'll receive a link by email to download the photo; it comes hi-res, jpeg with no words, logos, or watermark included — specifications such as size and dimension found in the description next to the item. Any resize needs, contact me. I would be glad to send you a different size free of charge.